Community Engagement
Charlottendal has been going through a new phase of development in recent years. The wooden residential houses, Waldorf kindergarten and farm have long formed the basis of the community, but we have recently begun to develop new types of housing and activities. The community’s first yurt was built at the end of 2016, and in the following years more yurts and several busses have joined the mix.
A women’s collective was set up at Charlottendal in September 2018, hosting events and social gatherings within the community. 2018 also saw the construction of a yurt temple, with many helping hands from Charlottendal and the wider community joining in workshops to build the yurt platform together. The temple was inaugurated end of November 2018 and now hosts ceremonies, celebrations and gatherings open to whoever wishes to join.
The first group of long-term volunteers joined Charlottendal in 2018 as part of the European Voluntary Service programme. A new log house, the “Base” for volunteers, was built over the past year and will be a home for current and future volunteers as well as a meeting place hosting courses and events. Construction work on the bathroom, outdoor kitchen and gardens of the Base is continuing in 2019. We intend to continue long-term volunteering in the coming years and develop short-term volunteering opportunities as part of the European Solidarity Corps.
Charlottendal regularly hosts events, ceremonies and courses, among which the annual One Year in Transition course partly run at the farm.
If you would like to take part in these initiatives or have ideas for new ones, feel free to get in touch with us!
Also check out our Facebook page for updates on upcoming events and things going on at the farm.